• Synopsis
  • Praise

Teresa Strasser made her baby a spleen and some eyebrows.
He got her a book deal.

Anybody loves babies-and pregnant women-then Tv and radio personality Teresa Strasser decided to use this obsession to her advantage. She came up with a manner to provide for her newfound family and assistance other mommieshoped-for with this down- and-dingy memoir virtually offset-time pregnancy.

An laurels-winning writer, Teresa is achingly honest about the motherhood she begins experiencing at age thirty-eight. With a biting sense of humor and heart, she portrays the tribulations that come with each trimester, from nausea, weight gain, and float infections to dealing with those other kinds of meaning women. (Yous know the ones. The ones who glow-and gloat about it.)

Exploiting My Baby is a must-read for anyone pregnant, trying to go pregnant, or who is just more than crazy than babe-crazy. Hopping on a trail pioneered by such lions equally Laura Ingalls Wilder, Erma Bombeck, and Tori Spelling, Teresa has no trouble using her pregnancy, childbirth and difficult relationship with her own female parent for textile. Information technology's her blunt and plain-spoken arroyo to exploiting her family unit for literary success that sets her apart.

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"...A raw, oftentimes unsettling and always entertaining look at pregnancy and childbirth. Strasser flaunts her ability to worry about annihilation, her many documented imperfections and brings it all downwardly to some seriously funny prose."
-Rick Kleffel, NPR

"If you read this book you will laugh until you lot're sick, I swear, but it'south also very insightful."
-Dr. Phil

"Teresa Strasser cuts right through the mucus plug with Exploiting My Baby: Because It'due south Exploiting Me. With such affiliate titles as 'Sitting Stretch Marker Shiva' and 'I'll Miss You, Toxins,' Strasser'south funnier than your funniest friend and her neuroses are more than acute than Joan Rivers' Having a Baby Can Be a Scream."
-LA Weekly

"I laughed my ass off - which is great, considering now I don't have stretch marks anymore."
-New York Times-bestselling author Jenny McCarthy

"Exploiting her babe, perhaps, simply nigh certainly rewarding her readers, Teresa Strasser trudges, nay, romps with us down the road from the anxiety of no baby to guilt of not deserving a precious kid. All the while she reminds usa that the echoes of our families of origin, although carried along with united states like so much muck in a river-bed, need not choke our power to flourish and find joy every bit parents."
-Dr. Drew Pinsky

"Hilarious commencement fourth dimension memoir well-nigh maternity."
-Life & Style

"Teresa'southward pain is your gain. The toll pregnancy and nascency have taken on her marriage, career, psyche and cervix are all laid bare for your info-tainment. Her neurotic neonatal journey will make you laugh and cry. It might even make you aroused (if you lot're into that sort of thing)."
-Adam Carolla

"Exploiting My Baby: Considering It's Exploiting Me is a hilarious, honest, often raunchy account of Strasser's pregnancy and delivery in which no subject area is too sacred to broach: Porn, STDs, the fetal benefits of oral sex and a particularly disastrous clogged toilet scene all get their day. This is the stuff What to Look When You're Expecting elegantly omits."
-The Jewish Journal of Los Angeles

"If Woody Allen was a adult female with large behemothic ovaries and wrote a book about his pregnancy, it still wouldn't have been this funny, warm, brassy and insightful."
-Stefanie Wilder-Taylor, bestselling author of Sippy Cups are Non for Chardonnay

"Strasser's drove of essays is a comic, poignant and no-holds-barred revelation of her anxiety-strewn road to motherhood."
-Laguna Embankment Independent

"If this is what it'south actually similar to have a infant, I should have been a lot nicer to my lovely wife. Also, she should have made me laugh this much. And so we're even. If you think you worry too much about existence a parent, Teresa Strasser volition inform you of all the things you forgot to freak out nigh."
-Joel Stein

"I loved this book. Teresa Strasser has blessed us all with an amazing, inspired piece of work. I laughed, I cried, I learned lessons most marriage and love and pregnancy and motherhood that will last a lifetime. Teresa knows how to speak directly to every one of us, and offers us the inside story every pregnant woman wishes someone out at that place would finally share. Her very personal, hysterical and moving story is universal. I can't wait to purchase this book for all my meaning friends."
-Rabbi Naomi Levy, author of Hope Will Find Yous and To Begin Again

"Darn funny and a truthful glimpse into the realities of pregnancy."
-L.A. Parent Magazine

"Teresa is the mom you want to invite to your playgroup."
-Heather McDonald, New York Times bestselling writer of You'll Never Blueball in this Boondocks Again

