Let’s Make Perfectly Imperfect Art

Dear Wonderful, Creative You:

In my Diving Deep class, nosotros focus on learning to dance betwixt intuition and technical skill. The skill we take been focusing on this calendar week, blind and semi-bullheaded contour drawing, is ane that can really telephone call up the inner critic. Blind profile drawing also offers tons of opportunity for self-reflection, surrender, mindful attending, gorgeous attending to detail, and the development of your intuitive, personal fashion. As a instructor, I dance between guiding students in technical skills, while likewise helping them to hear their ain inner wisdom about what each art piece needs. Above all, I'1000 encouraging us all to be on a journeying of making perfectly imperfect art. The magic is in the imperfections.

Every bit with anything, folks come to class with a range of experience and comfort level with the techniques. I of the things I offer in addition to the live videos is to continue practicing and posting the techniques myself. I effort to offer a mix of inspiring images, and images that show my mistakes, and how to dance with them.

Here's a proficient example: I tend to do blind contour drawings in a very tiresome, detail-oriented mode. I almost never do completely blind contours, unless it's for an practice. I enjoy semi-bullheaded drawing where I peek at my paper a little. I too have my time and don't go too quickly. One of my students shared a video of creative person, Phil Hansen, doing blind portraits of people in 1.5 minutes. I thought this sounded like a fun challenge.

I decided to use a moving picture of my brother equally a child and do 3 drawings this mode. As you can meet, at that place's not much recognizable hither at outset glance. However, look more. See if you lot can detect some details of accuracy, even in the distortion. See if yous can find playful creatures in these drawings. They are actually quite fun, actually.

imperfect art, blind contour

One of the things I dear about teaching live classes online is that it pushes me too. I had this rich background, and while looking at ostriches in National Geographic one evening, I had the idea to put an ostrich face up staring at the viewer on this page.

art journal background, perfectly imperfect art

I went to our friend, Google Images, to discover the right expression on the right bird. I constitute it and here's my semi-blind contour drawing of her:

Now, I don't have rights to the moving picture, so I can't share, simply I tin can tell you that I've changed several details on this model. The biggest difference is the correct side. The mouth and the eye got smushed upward because I fabricated some "mistakes." Still, thank goodness I do bullheaded drawings in pen and could not erase, because that mistake made the sassy expression that is the magic of this bird.

imperfect art, blind contour drawing

The correct side nostril was also fatigued in the wrong spot, then I gave myself permission to adjust that when I painted her in.

How to draw a blind contour, blind contour drawing, perfectly imperfect art

Meet Jeanine the Ostrich. "Whatchoo lookin' at?"

Let'due south go busy making some mistakes.

Oh and speaking of embracing imperfect fine art, I'll be co-hosting a super cool workshop this coming Wed, May ninth at 12pm EST on a private webinar page. Lauren Hooper, of Lauren-Likes and Go Messy Art Journaling and I volition exist talking well-nigh Travel Journaling. We want to assist yous take your periodical everywhere. This is the secret to finding time to make art – yous conduct it with you! We will be sharing all our best tips, prompts, and how to get over the fright of creating in public.

Y'all tin can register past joining Lauren's listing correct hither: Join THE TRAVEL JOURNALING WEBINAR!

I promise to see you there!

Creatively Yours,



Source: https://mindfulartstudio.com/lets-make-perfectly-imperfect-art/

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